Ram Mohan Mishra, Additional Secretary and development Commissioner, Ministry of MSME, Government of India speaks at the Interactive Workshop on Going global through eCommerce market place
Rita Teaotia speaks at the interactive workshop on Going global through e-commerce marketplace Source: FICCI
Gopal Pillai speaks at the interactive workshop on Going global through e-commerce marketplace Source: FICCI
Sanjay Bhatia, President, FICCI CMSME speaks at the Interactive Workshop on Going global through eCommerce market place Source: FICCI
Special Address by Lt Gen Giri Raj Singh SM, Director General Ordnance Services, Indian Army Source: FICCI
Rashesh Shah, President FICCI giving Welcome Address Source: FICCI
Nirmala Sitharaman, Raksha Mantri, addressing the audience Source: FICCI
Mukund Rajan at India sustainability conclave 2018 Source: FICCI
CK Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Environment at India sustainability conclave 2018 Source: FICCI