Agriculture desk at FICCI has been strenuously working on agriculture policies. Over the years, considerable efforts have been put into devising policies & suggestions that would increase farm income, productivity and global competitiveness of Indian Agriculture. FICCI has played a pivotal role in defining the agri-policy framework of the nation.
Over the years, through its long standing collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, the Agriculture desk has worked assiduously to promote public-private partnership in various parts of agriculture value chain including agri warehousing, farm mechanisation, extension, secondary agriculture, risk management and agri-marketing reforms. In partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, FICCI organizes Eima Agrimach, a flagship forum that brings modern farm mechanization technologies at one platform, coordinate an exchange of ideas and aid promotion of farm mechanization.
The key objectives of the FICCI Agriculture Division are to:
- Identify major bottlenecks that hinder the growth of Indian agriculture;
- Sensitize all stakeholders including the Central and the State Governments to catalyze the necessary policy changes that are needed to make this sector more vibrant and competitive;
- Address the conflicting domestic policies relating to production, procurement, pricing and distribution, rising Minimum Support Prices, ineffective subsidy system, regulated domestic markets, lack of infrastructure facilities, low productivity, low value addition, ad hoc export policies;
- Define measures to attain a higher trajectory growth in agriculture (of more than 4 per cent) in order to compete in the global market; and
The Agriculture division in FICCI has also been instrumental in forging international co-operation for showcasing / broad basing new technologies / possible collaborative opportunities for the benefit of all the stakeholders in agri value chain.
FICCI jointly with the SFAC (Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium), Ministry of Agriculture, GoI has conceptualized and developed guidelines for PPP-IAD (public private partnership for integrated agriculture development). Subsequently, we plan to launch Million Farmers’ Initiative, which aims at connecting million farmers to companies for integrated agriculture development. The PPP model aptly combines the operational efficiencies of the private sector and the investment by the public sector to provide end to end solutions to farmers. Million Farmers’ Initiative has received 35 project proposals from the private sector involving 1.2 million farmers.
Our future endeavours include creating awareness about agricultural innovations and technologies through capacity building programmes and global events, development of an effective framework for introducing modern warehousing & construction of silos in the country and also developing Farmers’ Economic Well Being Index which would be a reflection of aspirations of farming community and policy changes required by them.
Team Leader
Hemant Seth
Senior Director
2nd Smart Irrigation Summit 2025
Commemorating World Soil Day 2024
Boosting Sustainability in Indian Agriculture: A Compendium of Impactful Private Sector led Initiatives
4th Sustainable Agriculture Summit 2024
ExploreDigital Agriculture for Climate
ExploreSustainability is the need of the hour in crop protection and agriculture sector: Agriculture Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI

The role of crop-protection industry in driving sustainability in the agriculture sector
12th FICCI Crop Protection Summit 2024
ExploreRajasthan Millet Conclave
ExploreState govt committed to support industry coming forward for farmers welfare: Minister of Agriculture & Health, Department of Agriculture, Govt of Bihar

The Indian Maize Sector- Trends, Challenges & Imperatives for Sustainable Growth
10th edition of the India Maize Summit
ExploreCall for Applications: FICCI 4th Sustainable Agriculture Awards 2024
Explore6th edition of FICCI Agri Startup Summit & Awards
Workshop on VISTAAR DPI for Agtech startups
Farm mechanisation: A catalyst for sustainable agricultural growth
Smart Irrigation Summit 2023
Explore75 lakh hectares brought under PMKSY - Per Drop More Crop Micro Irrigation since 2016: Kailash Chaudhary, Minister of State, Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Conference on Advancing Role of Women in Agricultural Supply Chains
ExploreIncorporate gender perspective in the voluntary sustainability standards: Dr Smita Sirohi, Principal Scientist, ICAR, Former Joint Secretary (G-20), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Embracing newer technologies, forming strategic partnerships, and change in mindset are key to managing soil health responsibly: Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, Chairperson PPVFRA, Ex-DG, ICAR, GoI
Commemorating World Soil Day 2023
3rd Sustainable Agriculture Summit 2023
Sustainable Agriculture for Climate Action: Unveiling the Role of Carbon Markets
ExploreGreen Warehousing or Climate smart warehousing is the cornerstone of Sustainable Agriculture: Chairman (WDRA), Ministry of Food & Public Distribution, GoI

Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture
Knowledge-sharing session Harnessing Agriculture’s Potential - 2035: Focus on Last Mile
ExploreFocus on technology adoption and creating infrastructure to build resilient agriculture value chain: Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GoI

SreeAnna for People, Planet, Prosperity: Celebrating IYOM 2023
ExploreFrom Climate Smart to Income Smart: it is time to bring Amrit Kaal for Shree Anna and Indian farmers: Smt Shubha Thakur, Joint Secretary (Crops, Oil Seeds), Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, GOI

Compendium on Interventions in Millets -Industry, Startups & FPO's
FICCI PwC Knowledge Report: Propelling India’s millet sector towards a sustainable future
Global Summit on Strengthening food systems for Nutrient-rich Crops
Biofortification: A pathway to strengthen food systems through nutrient-rich crops
ExploreNeed to popularize access to nutrient rich crops; industry to play key role: Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI

FICCI Crop Protection Committee Meeting
Rajasthan Millet Conclave
ExploreMaharashtra govt committed to support industry coming forward for farmers welfare: Maharashtra Agriculture Minister

Transforming India's Maize Sector: Critical Role of Technology and Innovations
Explore9th India Maize Summit 2023
ExploreWe must carry out R&D in all areas of the value chain of millets: Dr Vijaya Lakshmi Nadendla, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India
Global Millet (Shree Anna) Conference
Promoting Sustainability in Indian Agriculture: Focus Areas for Responsible Growth
ExploreFoodborne illness is a major strain on the Indian economy: Inoshi Sharma, Executive Director, FSSAI

Food Systems Symposium
Innovation in the agri-food value chain
Workshop on Biofortification
ExploreWorkshop on Biofortification- A pathway to improve India's nutritional outcomes
ExploreSoil health management and conservation needs partnerships at multiple levels: Hemendra Mathur, Chairman, FICCI Task Force on Agri Startups
Commemorating World Soil Day 2022
Program on Sustainable Soil Health Management

FICCI Sustainable Agriculture Awards 2022
AgTech: A smarter route to sustainable agriculture
ExploreMinistry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GoI to set up accelerator programme of Rs 500 crore for promoting Agri Start-ups

5th edition of FICCI Summit and Awards for Agri Startups
ExploreWorkshop on Biofortification
ExploreDigital Agriculture Mission to digitalise the farmer: Manoj Ahuja, Secretary, Agriculture

Compendium of Best Practices of Industry, NGOs & Agri Startups on ENHANCING FARMERS' INCOME
ExploreConference on Biofortification
ExploreJoint initiative of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GoI and FICCI to attract PPP Projects in Agriculture Launched
Launch of Joint initiative of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GoI and FICCI to attract PPP Projects in Agriculture
ExploreINDIA NEEDS MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMALL & MARGINAL FARMERS: Shobha Karandlije, Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Conference on Biofortification
Conference on Biofortification
ExploreFishery sector needs an integrated structure like dairy: Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India

Championing the blue economy: Promoting sustainable growth of the fisheries sector in India
First Conference of Fishtech - Championing the blue economy equitably, profitably, and sustainably
ExploreGovt to announce 'Good Agriculture Practice' policy soon: Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI
Scope of Public Private Partnerships in Agriculture
Redefining agriculture through artificial intelligence: Predicting the unpredictable
ExploreSensor based use of drone application in agriculture is the need of the hour: Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Family Welfare
Indian Start-ups need access to data and market to tackle technology adoption in agriculture: Anna Roy, Senior Adviser, NITI Aayog

2nd edition for the International Summit on Artificial Intelligence & Digital applications in Agriculture
ExploreGovt to support industry and farmers to increase maize production in India: Narendra Singh Tomar

Indian Maize Sector - Securing Supply Sustainably
8th edition of India Maize Summit
ExploreCollaborations and partnerships key for Indian agri start-ups to harness potential on the journey towards USD 10 billion: FICCI-PwC Report

Agri start-ups: Fostering collaboration to bring paradigm shifts in Indian agriculture
4th edition of Summit & Awards for Innovations by Agri Startups
ExploreNeed to focus on Ecosystem - Based Agriculture for sustainable agricultural practices: CEO, NRAA, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

India Beyond 75 - Envisioning Smart & Sustainable Agriculture
Agri Summit & Awards: Envisioning Smart & Sustainable Agriculture
Explore4th edition of FICCI Agri Startups Awards
Virtual Jury Interaction for FICCI Sustainable Agriculture Awards 2021
FICCI National Agriculture Committee Meeting 2021
ExploreStrengthening Post-harvest solutions to avert the Impact of climate change on Agriculture
ExploreFICCI Sustainable Agriculture Awards - India Beyond 75
First Virtual Meeting of FICCI Subcommittee on Fishtech
ExploreAgri surplus should be leveraged in a way that farmers get regular income; India gets competitive advantage in terms of opportunities in global market: Chairman APEDA

Enhancing Competitiveness of Indian Agri Exports
FICCI's Virtual Report Release Ceremony - Enhancing Competitiveness of Indian Agri Exports
FICCI Thinkathon on Showcase of Innovations: Reducing Post-Harvest losses in Fruits and Vegetables sector
Online Training Programme for Agri & Food Industry on Farmer producer organizations (FPOs) Ecosystem
Transforming F&V value chain through AI and Crop analytics
Knowledge Training Cum Workshop Session on "Realizing Potential for Resilient & Sustainable Agri chains in Global market
ExplorePrivate investment in agriculture key to boost farmers income: Parshottambhai Rupala, MoS, Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GoI
Focus required by private & government sector for effective R&D in maize value chain: Minister for Industry Policy & Investment Promotion, Govt of Madhya Pradesh

Boosting Growth of India's Maize Ecosystem
7th India Maize Summit 2021
Creating an ecosystem for increasing water use efficiency in Agriculture
2nd edition of Summit on Investing in future through Sustainable water use management in Agriculture
ExploreMasterclass on Regenerative Agriculture as part of World Water Day
FICCI NAFPO Virtual Conference on Transforming Indian Agriculture by empowering FPOs
ExploreAgri Start-ups can provide missing links in agri value chain & deliver innovative products to farmers, consumers: Agriculture Minister, Govt of Karnataka
Need to move from Green revolution to Cyan revolution with fusion of agriculture & innovations for growth: Madhya Pradesh Minister for Cooperatives & Public Service Management
Agri Start-ups should become the pivot of agricultural transformation & democratization of technology: Dr Ashok Dalwai, CEO, NRAA, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Agri-startups: Heralding next level of agricultural transformation
3rd edition of FICCI Summit & Awards for Agri Start-Ups
Chat with Chair, Agriculture - Mr TR Kesavan
ExploreNeed fresh approach towards farm sector - Moving beyond production targets to creating opportunities for higher income realisation for farmers
Summit & Awards for Agri Startups
ExploreFocus on value addition, quality & safety requirements by implementing traceability solutions key to increase export of Indian spices: Secretary, Spices Board of India

Virtual national Conference on Enhancing Export competitiveness of Spices
Virtual national Conference on Enhancing Export competitiveness of Fisheries
ExploreValue addition of agricultural produce essential to increase export competitiveness: Chairman, APEDA

Virtual national Conference on Enhancing Export competitiveness of Agriculture Produce: Focus Fruit & Vegetables and Rice
ExploreGovt to soon launch one stop shop on Agri data; Will benefit farmers & reduce cost: CEO, PMFBY
Govt to soon launch one stop shop on Agri data; Will benefit farmers & reduce cost: CEO, PMFBY

Ushering in a new growth wave:From artificial intelligence to agricultural intelligence
AI & Digital applications in Agriculture
Successful Business Interventions for Minimising Food Loss & Wastage
ExploreVirtual Session on Innovations for Maximizing Per Acre Value
ExploreVirtual Ag-tech Series
ExploreAdvanced farm mechanization can reform the Indian agricultural sector: Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Webinar on Future advancements in Farm Mechanization
FICCI Compendium : Best Practices adopted by Agri Startups to address Covid-19 Challenges in Agri & Allied Sector
ExploreBy 2025, India's dairy industry aims to double its processing capacity: Atul Chaturvedi
Creation of Small Warehouses at the Farmgate Could Save a Farmer from Distress Sale: Joint Secretary, Dept of Food & Distribution
Webinar on Opportunity to reinvent Agriculture@ Policy Reforms
ExploreSustainable development key to enhancing competitiveness in the fisheries sector: Secretary, Department of Fisheries
Webinar on Developing Competitiveness in Fisheries Sector
FICCI - Empowering FPOs
ExploreInstitutional mechanism must for creating a robust agri value chain management: Dr Ashok Dalwai, CEO, NRRA

Decoding agriculture in India amid COVID-19 crisis
ExploreSession on Positive Implications of Aatamnirbhar Bharat Package on Agriculture sector & Release of FICCI - GT Report on Decoding agriculture in India amid Covid-19 crisis
ExplorePoultry industry should follow cluster approach for market linkage with Maize farmers and FPOs: S K Malhotra, Agriculture Commissioner
FICCI is Organising Webinar on COVID Impact on Maize Value Chain- Challenges & Prospects
ExploreWebinar on Indian Agritech: As Panacea to Streamline Agri and Food Supply Chain in Post COVID Era
ExploreWater security in agriculture is a local problem and needs de-centralized solutions: U P Singh, Secretary Water Resources

Plugging India's agri-water gap: Sustainable and innovative approaches
Sustainable Management of Water in Agriculture: Compendium of Good Practices
National Summit on Investing in future through Sustainable water use management in Agriculture
ExploreCustomized technology and policy reforms are key concerns of agriculture sector - Ramesh Chand, Member, NITI Aayog

Release of India Commodity Year Book 2020 & Discussion on Union Budget Announcements for Agriculture Sector
ExploreCM Naveen Patnaik inaugurates the five-day Krushi Odisha 2020 exhibition cum agri fair
CM Naveen Patnaik inaugurates the five-day Krushi Odisha 2020 exhibition cum agri fair

Krushi Odisha 2020
ExploreGovernment to promote use of additional farm machinery to achieve diverse utilization of mechanization - MoS Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare

Farm mechanisation: Ensuring a sustainable rise in farm productivity and income
EIMA Agrimach India 2019
ExploreDoubling Farmers Income Committee recommends to set up Division of Agri- enterprise in all agriculture departments - CEO, NRRA, Ministry of Agriculture

Compendium: Agri Startups
ExploreConference and Awards for Nurturing Agri Innovations by Agri Startups
Interactive Meeting: FICCI Task force on Sustainable Agriculture
Value chain connect program with Agri start-ups: Interaction with ADM Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Conference on Developing Agtech Ecosystem, Exchanging Best practices between India and New South Wales, Australia
Thematic Discussion on "Building Affordable and efficient cold chain solutions in Agriculture"
Thematic Roundtable discussion Challenges of Sustainable Water Use Management in Agriculture
Weather - Unlocking new insights to support smarter decisions in Agriculture
ExploreTechnological breakthrough needed for effective crop insurance: CEO, PMFBY

National Conference on Risk Mitigation through Tech Innovations in Agri Insurance
ExploreFocused attention needed to meet India's food needs: P Raghavendra Rao, Chemicals Secretary
FICCI compliments PM for extending direct income support to all farmers
Develop long-term strategy to reduce vulnerability of farming community - Dr A K Singh, DDG, ICAR
National Conference on Agriculture Extension
National Conference on Climate Services in Agriculture
ExploreOpportunities and Challenges In Mint Farming
Farmer Producer Organisations for Doubling Farmers' Income
ExploreInnovation by agri start-ups essential to overcome global agriculture challenges: Suresh Prabhu

Agri start-ups:Innovation for boosting the future of agriculture in India
International Conference & Business Excellence Awards for Innovations by Agri Startups
Curtain Raiser of Agriculture Marketing Seminar to be organized in Make in Odisha Conclave 2018
ExploreGlobal Agriculture & Food Summit to double farmers' income by 2022 and make Jharkhand a food processing hub: Raghubar Das
Roadshow for Global Agriculture & Food Summit, Jharkhand
ExploreBihar Farm Mechanization Summit 2018
ExploreConference on unleashing Maize Potential of Bihar
ExploreCall for Application: Conference & Awards for Innovations by Agri Startups
ExplorePolicy Roundtable on Future of Extension Services in Agriculture
ExplorePolicy Dialogue on New Vision for Agriculture & Food Processing Sector
ExploreNeed to connect farmers to a value-chain to empower them: Agriculture Secretary

Conference on Development of linkages for sustainability of FPOs
ExploreSmall Farmers' Agribusiness Consortium to Launch Online Platform for Farmers to Connect with Potential Buyers
States need to be on board to provide institutional credit to farmers Convergence among various entities vital- JS Agriculture
National Conference Enhancing Credit flow to Agriculture
ExploreAgriculture Minister pitches for a package of measures to boost Maize Productivity Maize production must grow at 15% CAGR to meet demand, improving price-realisation for farmers vital: FICCI-PwC report

Maize Vision 2022
Explore5th India Maize Summit 2018
ExploreKrishi Unnati Mela
ExploreAccelerating Agriculture Insurance
ExploreNew portal to address crop insurance issues to be online within a week: Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
India-Brazil Agriculture Partnership
Explore"We need to move beyond tractorisation to improve crop productivity" - MoS, Agriculture, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat
EIMA Agrimach India 2017
Global Rajasthan Agritech Meet
ExploreDraft Policy for Strengthening Farm Mechanization in Bihar
ExploreInteractive Meeting with Agriculture Startups in India
Agriculture Marketing: An Overview and Way Forward
ExploreNational Agricultural Marketing Summit
GRAM 2017
ExplorePolicy Roundtable on Farm Credit to All
Krishi Unnati Mela 2017
Conference on India-Poland Bilateral Cooperation in Agriculture & Allied Activities
ExplorePolicy Round Table on Agriculture Marketing Reforms : The Way Forward
ExploreFICCI, a-IDEA, NAARM TBI Startup Samvaad
Agriculture Marketing in Rajasthan
Animal Husbandry in Rajasthan
Plasticulture in Rajasthan
Sustainable Agriculture in Rajasthan
ExploreAgri-Mechanization for Make in India
Agritourism Advantage Rajasthan
ExploreAgriculture Minister exhorts corporate sector to add value to maize produce

India Maize Summit 2016: Background Papers
India Maize Summit 2016
Strategy Paper on Future prospects of micro Irrigation in India-Accelerating Growth of Indian Agriculture: Micro Irrigation an efficient solution
India-Africa partnership in agriculture, Current and future prospects
ExploreDelegations and Ministers from over 25 countries from Africa are expected to attend

Sustainable Agriculture: Harnessing Technologies- Harvesting Prosperity
Explore8th National Livestock Championship and Expo 2016
Transforming Agriculture Through Mechanisation: A Knowledge Paper on Indian farm equipment sector
ExploreEIMA Agrimach 2015
ExploreIndia Pavilion at AGROPRODMASH 2015
India Maize Summit 2015
Labour in Indian Agriculture: A Growing Challenge
कृषि क्षेत्र में श्रमिक एक बढ़ती चुनौती (Hindi)
Labour in Indian Agriculture: A Growing Challenge
Evaluation of the PPPIAD Project on Soybean
Evaluation of PPPIAD Project on Maize
Evaluation of PPPIAD Project on Cotton
Worksshop on Cotton Vision 2020
Improving the Productivity of Pulses through Public Private Partnership
Explore'This is an unfortunate development', says FICCI president Sidharth Birla on EU ban on fruits and vegetable import from India
FICCI Welcomes Evening Trading in Agri Commodities

Maize in India
India Maize Summit 2014
ExplorePresident of India to inaugurate 3-day Asia-Africa Agribusiness Forum

Agrievolution Forum
Eima Agrimach India 2013
Overview of The Indian Buffalo Meat Value Chain
Maize in India
India Maize Summit 2013: Multidimensional Approach for Outlook, Implications & Perspective
Workshop on Public Private Partnership for Integrated Agricultural Development(PPPIAD) - The Way Forward
Corporate Interventions in Agriculture
National Consultation on Secondary Agriculture: Building Agro-based Industries
Cotton 2020: Roadmap for Sustainable Production
EIMA Agrimach India 2011
Partnership to Scale New Heights: India-US Collaboration in Agriculture
Interactive Session with Ms Orit Noked, Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development, Israel and the Accompanying Business Delegation
National Conference on Policy for Storage, Handling and Transportation of Food Grains
Interactive Session with Industry on New Policy for Promotion of Agro-Processing & Agri-Business 2010 of Rajasthan
Business Forum on International Commercial Farming
EIMA Agrimach 2009
ExploreFICCI Suggests Four-pronged Long-term Strategy

Warehousing 2008
Warehousing 2008
ExploreConsultative Conferences on APMC Model Rules
Consultative Conferences on APMC Model Rules
A Road Map for Agri-Marketing Reforms