The Mumbai attack of 26/11 brought the Indian private security industry or the manned guarding industry in the focus. The security guards of Hotel Taj were the first ones to encounter the terrorists and many experts commented that had the guards been trained and armed to face the situation, the story would have been less tragic.
Team Leader
Akhil Gupta
Additional Director

FICCI CSO Conclave 2025
Role of Geospatial Technologies for Disaster Risk Mitigation and Management
Training Programme on Chemical & Industrial Safety: Disaster Risk Reduction
Women Safety At Workplace - 2nd Edition
Conference on Industrial Safety & Disaster Risk Reduction
FICCI CSO Conclave 2023
ExploreUNDRR ARISE Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023
ExplorePrevention is one of the ways to mitigate not just risk but cost as well: Chairman, Central Vista Oversight Committee

Conference and Mock Drill on Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Disaster Risk
Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace
Workshop on Women Safety at Workplace
Explore"We need to identify the risk disrupting our growth and mitigate them": Mr Rajendra Ratnoo, ED-NIDM Ministry of Home Affairs

India Risk Survey 2022
ExploreSeminar on New Age Risks
ExplorePrime Minister Narendra Modi Inaugurates the Disaster Risk Reduction Exhibition during the 3rd session of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

3rd Session of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
ExploreConference on Industrial Disaster Risk Management & FICCI - GIZ Awards
ExploreIndia Risk Survey
ExploreMeeting with Delegation from United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
ExploreConference on Industrial Disaster Risk Management: Focus on Identifying System & Seismic Risks, Pipeline Security and Resilience of Critical Infrastructure
ExploreDialogue on Role of Innovations in DRR - Building Resilience in New Normal & SARTHI Awards
Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction(GP) 2022
ExploreFICCI-Pinkerton 'India Risk Survey' identifies Natural Hazards, Cyber Insecurity and IP theft as top three risks for businesses

India Risk Survey
Webinar on New Age Risks
Launch of Strengthening and Amplifying Resilience Through Innovation 'SARTHI Initiative': Building Resilience in the New Normal
ExploreE-Conference on Safety Precautions and Safe Functioning After COVID
E-Conference on Safety Precautions and Safe Functioning After COVID
Building Resilience in Infrastructure and Establishments: Focus on Minimizing Economic Losses Due to Natural Hazards
ExploreWebinar on Cyber Risk Mitigation and Disaster Management
Webinar on 'Earthquake and Fire Safety in Industrial Establishments'
COVID-19 Second Wave and Logistic Supply Chain Management
eConclave on Fostering Cyclone Resilience in Industries, Infrastructure and Communities
Webinar on Chemical Industrial Disaster Management: Public Liability Insurance Act
Online Training Programme on Industrial Safety : Planning and Management
ExploreUnmasking the Fraud - The Legal Way
eConclave on Fostering Earthquake Resilience in Industries and Developments
Explore3 bills on labour reforms to be tabled in upcoming parliament session - Santosh Gangwar

Future of Private Security Industry - Code on Wages: Safeguarding Rights of Lakhs of Essential Services Workers
ExploreStructured response group critical to manage disaster management: Executive Director, NIDM
Industry should focus on producing private security equipment in India and for export market: Nitin Gadkari

Future of Private Security Industry - Atmanirbhar Bharat: Boosting MSMEs for Quality Security Services & Manufacturing of CCTV and Fire Safety Systems
ExploreWebinar on Zero Incidence and Preventive Culture in the Industry
ExploreWebinar on Maintenance Measures for Industrial Safety
Role of Innovation/Technology in Industrial Safety & DRR - Part II
Role of Innovation/Technology in Industrial Safety & DRR
ExploreStringent execution of rules must to ensure zero industrial accidents - ED, NIDM, MHA

Webinar on Safe Storage and Handling of Hazardous Chemicals in the Industry
Webinar on Psycho-Social Care and Mental Health in Industry Post Lockdown
Webinar on Bridging The Information Gap - How Can We Truly Democratise Access To Information
Webinar on Industrial Safety: Coping with the New Normal
Re-opening of Industries: Post Lockdown Orientation towards Industrial Safety
Impact of coronavirus on MSMEs and Business Continuity in India
First Round table Meeting on Drought
ExploreClimate change is a major global challenge: Babul Supriyo, MoS, MoEFCC

National Conference on Recent Trends in Environment Pollution and Disaster Risk Reduction
Explore35th Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction & Industrial Safety: Major Initiatives in North-East towards Disaster Resilience
ExplorePrivate Security Industry Conclave (PSIC) 2019: Creating Jobs - Securing New India
ExploreGovt to reduce granting environmental clearances to 70-80 days - Prakash Javadekar
CIDM 2.0 : Conference on Industrial Safety & Emergency Preparednes
ExploreFICCI-ADPC pact to promote disaster risk management in private sector

Global Platform For Disaster Risk Reduction
ExploreEnhancing Public and Private Investment in Disaster Reduction to ensure sustainable development- Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Disaster Risk Reduction

India Japan Workshop on Disaster Risk Reduction : Launch of ARISE India
4th World Congress on Disaster Management
ExploreTarget of a house for each family to be achieved ahead of schedule - Hardeep Puri

FICCI at UNISDR ARISE Global Board Meeting 2018
Private Security Industry: Job Creation and Skill Development
ExplorePrivate Security Industry Conclave (PSIC) 2018
ExploreSmall industries must get in-hand training on Industrial security: UP Governor Ram Naik

Conference on Industrial Safety & Emergency Preparedness
ExploreGen. N C Vij takes over reins of disaster risk reduction activities in FICCI; calls for thrust on Innovations in Urban Risk Reduction and Risk Informed Investment
Gen N C Vij, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM and Former Chief of the Army Staff, takes over as Chairman of UNISDR Arise FICCI board for disaster risk reduction in private sector
Conference on Chemical & Industrial Disaster Management
Board Meeting of UN-Private Sector Initiative on Disaster Risk Reduction-Arise FICCI
ExplorePrivate Sector Role Critical in Disaster Management: Dr Robert Glasser

Indian private security industry Preparing for the next leap
ExplorePrivate Security Industry Conclave (PSIC) 2017
Conference on Chemical & Industrial Disaster Management
ExploreSeminar on New Age Risks 2017
National Conference on Chemical & Industrial Disaster Management
Conference on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM): Disaster Risk Reduction Measures in Chemical, Steel & Metallurgical, Fertilizer, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
ExploreGlobal United Fund Business Investment Opportunities
United Nations Asia Regional Plan for Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
Private Security Industry Conclave (PSIC) 2016
2nd Meeting of the Advisory Working Group to support development of the 'Asia Regional Plan for Implementation of the Sendai Framework
Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction Measures in Chemical, Petroleum and Gas Industry
Private Public Partnership Meeting with Ms Feng Min Kan, Special Advisor and UN Special Representative of the Secretary General, United Nations and Head UNISDR
ExploreUAE Launch of Uttar Pradesh Pravasi Diwas 2016
ExploreIndian security services industry expected to grow from INR 40,000 to 80,000 crore by 2020: FICCI-Grant Thornton report

Private security services in India 2015
Private Security Industry Conclave (PSIC) 2015
Global Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction - Major Initiatives in North East towards Disaster Resilience
ExploreEnabling environment needed for disaster risk reduction, says Kiren Rijiju

Enhancing Private Sector Partnership for Disaster Risk Reduction
Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM) Prevention, Preparedness and Emergency Response to Chemical Disasters with Special Reference to Transportation and Oil & Gas Sector
Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in India (EDMI-2015)
ExploreFICCI to organize the conference on earthquake disaster mitigation in the country

Conference on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management: Preparedness and Emergency Management of Chemical, Petroleum, Petroleum Products and Natural Gas Industry
ExploreRegional Conference on CIDM :“Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Risk Reduction in Chemical, Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industry”
Explore"businesses need to go beyond the limited CSR based framework for a more comprehensive engagement to address the disaster risk" - says Cabinet Secretary Ajit K. Seth
"need to make the region stronger than any other region in the field of disaster risk reduction and disaster risk management by coming together and putting aside political issues between the countries for the greater good", says MoS Kiren Rijiju

1st SAARC Regional Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction & Business Continuity Planning in South Asia: Redefining Private Sector Engagement for Risk Management & Response
Roundtable Conference on Innovations in Technology for Disaster Rescue Efforts amongst ASEM countries
ExploreKiren Rijiju inaugurating the meeting on Disaster Rescue Efforts amongst Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) countries tomorrow at Vigyan Bhawan

Private Security Industry Conclave (PSIC) 2014
ExploreConference on CIDM: Emergency Planning & Disaster Management in Chemical, Petroleum, Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical Industry
Conference on CIDM - Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Risk Reduction in Chemical, Petroleum, Petroleum Products & Natural Gas Industry
Conference and Exhibition on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM) - "Disaster Risk Reduction in Chemical Industries, Safe Transportation of Petroleum, Petroleum Products & Natural Gas"
Private security services industry: Securing future growth
Private Security Industry Conclave (PSIC)
Conference on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM)
FICCI Appeal for Uttarakhand Rehabilitation
Conference on Safe Management of Chemical, Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries
ExploreDiscussion Paper on Private Security Agency Regulation Act 2005
ExploreProposed Guidelines for Cash Logistics companies in India
ExploreArmed Security for Cash Logistics
First Meeting of FICCI Task Force on Uttarakhand Rehabilitation and Relief
ExploreFICCI Sets up Task Force to Assist in Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Work in Uttarakhand
Private Security Workers - Request for categorization as Skilled / Highly Skilled workers under Central & State Minimum Wages
Conference and Exhibition – National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
ExploreNational Conference on Animal Disaster Management
ExploreNational Conference on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management : Chemical, Pharmaceutical & Hydrocarbon Industry
ExploreConference on Best Practices for Disaster Management in Chemical, Petroleum, Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical Industry
Publications on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management
Conference on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (CIDM)
Conference on CBRN Disaster Management and Security (CBRN-DMS-2012)
Conference on Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management
National Conference on "Biological Disaster Management: A Step towards Building National Capacity & Resilience - the role of Industry under PPP"
Conference on Emergency Planning in Industries, Hazardous Waste Management and Safe Storage, Transportation of Petroleum, Petroleum Products, Natural Gas through Pipelines & POL Tankers
Conference on Earthquake Risk Management for Industries (ERMI-2011)
Conference on Safe Processing, Waste Management, Storage & Transportation of Chemicals, Petroleum, Petroleum Products & Natural Gas
ExploreConference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Industries
Conference on Emergency Planning in Industries Including HWM and Transportation of Petroleum, Petroleum Products, Natural Gas by Pipelines & POL Tankers
Conference on Food Security, Safety and Processed Food during Disaster Situations
ExploreConference on Chemical(Industrial) Disaster Management: Global Perspective
National Conference on Safe Transportation of Hazardous, Dangerous Goods Through Land, Air, Sea and Pipelines
ExploreConference On Safety & Security of Chemicals, Petroleum, Petroleum Products & Natural Gas at Storages, Warehouses, Ports and Transportation through Pipelines & Containers
Conference on CIDM, Pipelines, Storages & Medical Preparedness
National Conference on Industrial (Chemical) Disaster Management
National Conference on Industrial (Chemical) Disaster Management and Awareness on National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Guidelines