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Domination of West is Over, India Smartly Handling Global Power Shift: Key Advisor to President Vladimir Putin, Prof. Sergei A. Karaganov

Feb 22, 2018

Prof. Karaganov to deliver a lecture at FICCI tomorrow on "The World to Come: The View of Russia on Eurasia"


NEW DELHI, 22 February 2018: One of the key advisors of Russian President Vladimir Putin said today that the domination of West was over.

According to Prof. Sergei A. Karaganov, Economic and Foreign Policy Advisor to President of Russia, Mr Vladimir Putin and Dean of the School of International Economics and Foreign Affairs of the National Research University - Higher School of Economics (NRU-HSE): "There is panic within American elite that they are losing control over the political process".

Currently on a visit to India on FICCI's invite, Professor Karaganov, outlined in an interaction with one of the Indian media organisations that Eurasia will be the centre of the world geopolitics soon, and India, Russia and China will play an important role in this process.

"In 10-15 years, the centre will shift to India-China border," he said, and added that India is smart enough to balance its relations with China, Russia and also the US in this new emerging world order.

Prof. Karaganov will share his thoughts on "The World to Come: The View of Russia on Eurasia" as per the following schedule:


Day & Date : Friday, 23 February 2018

Time            : 3.00 pm to 5:00 pm

Venue          : FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi


Prof. Karaganov is an important and influential member of the Russian Government and has specialization in Russian foreign and defense policies, security and economic aspects of Russian-European interaction.


His lecture is part of the FICCI lecture series, which was initiated during FICCI's 90th anniversary celebrations last year on leadership through the year inviting eminent personalities from various fields.

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