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Need a fresh approach to hiring ex-servicemen - Major General V D Dogra

Jun 22, 2018

NEW DELHI, 22 June 2018: There is a need to re-orient the approach of the corporate and the resettlement agencies towards the hiring of retiring defence personnel.

These observations came to light here today at the seminar 'Capabilities and Competencies of Ex-Servicemen for the benefit of the Corporate Sector' organised by the Directorate General of Resettlement, Ministry of Defence and FICCI.

Resettlement of ex-servicemen is a concern as close to 60,000 men in uniform retire each year, roughly half of them between the ages of 40-50 years.

Speaking during the inaugural session, Major General, VD DograDirector General, Resettlement, said that we need to introspect and learn about the reasons for the lack of absorption of ex-servicemen in the corporate world. "While the retired defence personnel are disciplined, well trained and equipped with the required skills sets, yet their re-employment is a big question mark," he said.

Colonel K S KalsiDirector (Self Employment), DGR, said that the advantages for the industry in hiring ex-servicemen were immense. The retiring personnel have intrinsic qualities - they are qualified and trained and possess highly developed skills, enabling them to make decisions. They have team leadership traits, are mature and experienced, and above all, not prone to job hopping.

Col. Kalsi said that the DGR prepares ex-servicemen for future jobs by helping senior officers to undertake management programmes at top institutes and diplomas with various 'A' Grade NSDC certified courses for Junior Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks.