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Govt. grants for health & fitness must reach rural youth, middle class households, say fitness gurus

Jul 23, 2018


NEW DELHI, 23 July 2018: Health and fitness proponents and experts today sought to demolish the myth that a non-vegetarian diet was critical to building one's body and remain fit and healthy. Their mantra is to eat healthy, eat clean and exercise your way to good health.


Participating at the #HumFitTohIndiaFit programme organised by FICCI and Sports, Physical Education, Fitness & Leisure Skills Council (SPEFL-SC), the fitness gurus identified three enemies of good health as oil, sugar and sodium.


The discussants underlined the need for educating the younger generation for which health and fitness education should become an essential part of the school curriculum for classes 8 to 10. In addition, the government grants which tend to get monopolised by affluent city dwellers should be made available to the rural youth and the middle class households.


The panellists were Mr. Guru Mann, Fitness Motivator, Model, Author, CEO & Founder of GM Nutrition; Mr. Sheru Aangrish, Promoter - Sheru Classic; Ms. Mansi Gulati, International Yoga Acharya and former Miss India; Mr. Varinder Singh Ghuman, Indian professional bodybuilder; Mr. Tahsin Zahid, COO- SPEFL-SC (Sports Skill Council) and Mr. Siddhartha Upadhyay, Co-Chair, FICCI Sports Committee.


Mr. Tahsin Zahid pointed out that the Skills Council was mandated to produce 2.1 million trainers, fitness experts and coaches in the next few years for enabling them to get jobs in industry. The training programme, he said, was funded entirely by the government and the NSDC certificate they receive, at the end of the training, is recognised in India and overseas.

The message that must go down to the people is: healthy food is tasty food... if combined with eating less and exercising more, the �India Fit� vision would no longer be a mirage.

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