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Indian Railways moving towards deep decarbonization pathways - Principal ED, Railway Board

Dec 14, 2019


MADRID, 14 December 2019: Mr Alok Tewari, Principal Executive Director, Railway Board, GoI, yesterday said that the Indian Railways has adopted a holistic approach towards achieving the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and is moving towards deep decarbonization pathways.


Speaking at a conference on 'Implications of Sustainable Mobility Ecosystem in Global Climate Action' organized by FICCI in partnership with SLoCaT and Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) on the sidelines of UNFCCC COP 25, Mr Tewari shared various sustainable transport initiatives undertaken by the Indian Railways.


Mr Kolluru Krishan, Chair, FICCI Climate Change Committee, mentioned that the sustainable mobility roadmap has to go beyond aspects of climate change to usher in a green economy in terms of sustainability and job creation at the local level.


"Each solution for sustainable mobility has its pros and cons. Hence, a blend of multiple technologies, proven at commercial scale, is needed," Mr Krishan added.


Mr Ramon Cruz, International Policy Program Director, ITDP, shared examples of the international best practices in transportation and talked about scaling up government support to sustainable mobility by increasing accessible, low-to-no emission mobility.


"There is a need for environmentally sustainable and socially equitable mobility becoming the norm worldwide," Mr Cruz added.


Mr Nicolas Beaumont, Senior Vice President, Michelin Group, said, "An ecosystem with public and private sectors working shoulder-to-shoulder is key to implementing the Paris Agreement in the transport sector, and to grow from ambition to action."


According to Mr Beaumont, mobility must be redesigned and reinvented to become cleaner, safer and more accessible and efficient, considering that the world is facing the increasing challenge of climate change.