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FICCI - Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas releases FICCI Frames 'Entertainment Law Book 2020' Report

May 07, 2020

NEW DELHI, 7 May 2020: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Cyril Amarchand Mangaldastoday released "Entertainment Law Book 2020" report. The report highlights regulatory developments in the field of TV broadcasting and distribution, music, radio, filmed entertainment, and other segments in the Media & Entertainment space. It also includes several thought provoking articles on diverse topics, dealing with the issues in the Media & Entertainment sector. The report was scheduled for launch at FICCI Frames 2020, however due the given COVID -19 situation, the conference has been postponed to a later date this year.


Mr Dilip Chenoy, Secretary General, FICCI said, "The report touches upon some vital aspects that are playing an influential role in charting the way for the future of the Media & Entertainment industry. The issues lay strong foundations of the possible framework and solutions to developing the laws that will in time, govern the Media & Entertainment industry, in our country. On behalf of FICCI, I express our appreciation to Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas and the members of the FICCI Media & Entertainment Committee for working with us on the 2020 edition of this Report."


Mr Cyril Shroff, Managing Partner, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas said, "It is an honour and a privilege to present this report on the legal and regulatory issues impacting the Media and Entertainment sector. This report gives a bird's eye view of all important and relevant developments in the past year, encompassing the entire gamut of the Media & Entertainment sector. I would like to thank FICCI and members of its Media & Entertainment Committee  for choosing us as a knowledge partner for the second consecutive year and all those who have contributed their time and valuable insights in making this report a possibility."


Mr Bharat Vasani, Partner (Head - Media & Entertainment), Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas said, ; am very delighted at the release of FICCI Frames Entertainment Law Report 2020. It was great experience to meet the key players in this industry and get their practical insight into the future of different verticals of this industry and the impact of digital revolution."


