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Higher Education

FICCI Sector header

India is expected to be the fastest growing economy touching a GDP of USD 7.5 trillion by 2030 and one of the youngest nations in the world with a median age of 32. Projections show that our country would require a gross incremental workforce of 250 million by 2030.
FICCI has been playing a proactive role in the Higher Education sector supported by the Higher Education Committee, comprising key representatives from leading Higher Education Institutions/Universities, Industry and the Government.

FICCI has been playing a proactive role in the Higher Education sector supported by the Higher Education Committee, comprising key representatives from leading Higher Education Institutions/Universities, Industry and the Government.
  • Providing a platform for policy advocacy and influencing reforms pertinent to the industry needs
  • Creating sustainable linkages between Industry and Academia
  • Facilitating networking and knowledge sharing
  • Promoting collaborative ventures in academic exchanges, industry oriented research/ consultancy and value added services

With over 840 Universities, 51000 and 34.6 million students the Indian HE boasts of having the largest HE system in the world in terms of institutions and second-largest in terms of enrolment. Government has set a target of 30% GER in higher education by 2020, from the current 24.5%.

Indian Higher Education Sector witnesses spending of over Rs 46,200 crore (US$ 6.93 billion) and it is expected to grow at an average annual rate of over 18 % to reach Rs 232,500 crore (US$ 34.87 billion) in next 10 years. However, according to a FICCI estimate, the Indian higher education sector would need up to INR 8,00,000 cr. (USD 133bn) of investment by 2030 to reach 50% GER.

By 2030, with nearly 140 million people in the college going age-group, one in every four graduates in the world will be a product of the Indian Higher Education system.

As a nation of young people, India has been bestowed with a demographic advantage - out of a population of above 1.25 billion of which 672 million i.e. almost 50% are in the age-group 15 to 59 years, which is usually treated as the ‘working age population’.

India is expected to be the fastest growing economy touching a GDP of USD 7.5 trillion by 2030 and one of the youngest nations in the world with a median age of 32. Projections show that our country would require a gross incremental workforce of 250 million by 2030.

The greying developed world is expected to face a skilled talent shortage of approximately 56 million by 2030 and India alone would provide 47 million skilled talent

Private sector plays a huge role and accounts for 64% of the total number of institutions and 62% of enrolment. Over 80% of investment in professional education is done by the private sector.





Team Leader

Rajesh Pankaj


FICCI Leadership Development Program


FICCI Leadership Development Program

Press Release

Azim Premji named Legendary Institution Builder at the FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards 2024

Press Release

India can support the global higher-ed ecosystem by getting large number of foreign students in our institutions: Sunil K Barnwal, Additional Secretary, Higher Education

FICCI Study:FICCI - EY Report on Research Ecosystem within Indian higher-education sector: strategic pillars of reform across academic and industry research

FICCI - EY Report on Research Ecosystem within Indian higher-education sector: strategic pillars of reform across academic and industry research

FICCI Study:FICCI KPMG Report on Financing Higher Education Ecosystem in India

FICCI KPMG Report on Financing Higher Education Ecosystem in India

FICCI Events:

19th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2024

Press Release

World to add 100 crore new workers in the workforce in next 20 years; India will have a 25 per cent share: Ved Mani Tiwari, CEO, NSDC


1st FICCI EdTech Conclave

FICCI Events:

3rd FICCI Industry Academia Conference 2024

Press Release

Industry professionals to mentor higher education faculty; Govt. working on strategy: Secretary, Higher Education, GoI


9th FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards 2023

FICCI Events:

18th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2023

Press Release

NITI Aayog preparing vision document for 2047; education to play key role in it: CEO NITI Aayog

FICCI Study:Transformation of Indian Higher Education: Strategies to Leapfrog

Transformation of Indian Higher Education: Strategies to Leapfrog


FICCI Higher Education Delegation to Australia

FICCI Events:

Workshop on ‘UGC (Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Educational Institutions to offer Twinning, Joint Degree and Dual Degree Programs) Regulations, 2022’

Press Release

Industry-Academia collaboration essential for India becoming a world leader: Dr Chintan Vaishnav, Mission Director, Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)

FICCI Events:

2nd FICCI Industry Academia Conference 2023
'Leveraging Synergies: Industry-Academia Partnership for Education & Research'

Press Release

Education with technology, sincerity, hard work, and discipline are the key to success: Dr Bhagwat Karad, MoS Finance

Press Release

Multi-disciplinary focus in education key to growth and progress: Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa, India

Press Release

Govt committed to transform India into a global education hub: Minister of State for Education Dr Subhas Sarkar

Press Release

Higher Education Institutions can learn from Indian Think Tanks: Sanjay Verma, Secretary (West), Ministry of External Affairs

FICCI Study:Higher Education in India: Vision 2047

Higher Education in India: Vision 2047

FICCI Events:

17th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2022

FICCI Events:

Reimagine Industry - Academia Partnerships

Press Release

FICCI announces appointment of Divya Gokulnath, Co-founder, BYJUS as Chair of the FICCI EdTech Taskforce

FICCI Events:

India-Queensland Education Partnership Event

FICCI Events:

FICCI SRMIST Virtual Global Conference on 'Navigating Boundaries in Higher Education : Relooking at Industry-Academia Engagement'

FICCI Events:

Legal Education in India: A Global Perspective

FICCI Events:

Building Resilience : Supporting Mental Wellbeing on Campuses


PSA-FICCI Event on Innovation & Science @Bharat series - Session 2: AI in Agriculture


Innovation & Science @ Bharat Series

Press Release

NEP 2020 going to be the defining feature of the future of education in India: Piyush Goyal

Press Release

The 21st century belongs to the Young India - India poised to become R&D capital: Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank'

FICCI Study:Disruption in the higher education sector - Managing risks

Disruption in the higher education sector - Managing risks

FICCI Study:Higher Education in India: vision 2040

Higher Education in India: vision 2040

FICCI Events:

16th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2021

FICCI Events:

Impact of Recent Labour Codes on Workforce Practices at Educational Institutions

FICCI Events:

Chat with Chair, Higher Education Committee Dr Vidya Yeravdekar

FICCI Events:

Industry Academia Webinar Session on Importance of being a Self-reliant

FICCI Events:

NEP 2020 : Internationalization and the Way Forward

FICCI Events:

National Education Policy 2020: The way Forward

Press Release

Technology changed the landscape of broadcasting sector, convergence providing new growth opportunities: R S Sharma, Chairman, TRAI

FICCI Study:High-Impact Online Learning at Scale - A White Paper

High-Impact Online Learning at Scale - A White Paper

Press Release

Allow higher education institutions to invest surplus in alternative asset classes: FICCI

Press Release

Good policy comes from good thinking and rely on aggregates and averages - Chief Economic Advisor

Press Release

Human touch essential in modern education system - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji

Press Release

Hosting foreign students will boost India's soft power: ICCR President Dr Vinay Sahasrabuddhe

Press Release

Ideation, innovation and incubation should be given primacy in our curriculum: President of India Ram Nath Kovind

FICCI Study:Human Capital Development in India

Human Capital Development in India

FICCI Study:15 Years of Journey: FICCI Higher Education Committee 2004-2019

15 Years of Journey: FICCI Higher Education Committee 2004-2019

FICCI Study:Creative Economy - Nation Building: Higher Education as the Catalyst

Creative Economy - Nation Building: Higher Education as the Catalyst

FICCI Events:

15th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2019


Call for Application: 6th FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards 2019

Press Release

Industry should design syllabus to resolve unemployment: Parliamentarians

FICCI Events:

Launch of 'FICCI Future - X' and Talk Series on

Press Release

Secretary-Higher Education, MHRD felicitates 13 Educational Institutions and Personalities with 5th FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards

Press Release

Amitabh Kant outlines 6-point agenda to brand India as the education and research hub of the world

Press Release

Higher Education must prepare students to respond to Industry 4.0 needs: Suresh Prabhu

FICCI Events:

14th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2018: A Global Conference & Exhibition

Press Release

Graded-autonomy a bold move towards liberalising Higher Eduacation: FICCI

Press Release

Though the responsibilities lie with all the stakeholders, schools need to be proactive and prepared for risk assessment and mitigation - O P Singh, DG, CISF on safety and security in schools

Press Release

Govt. finalizing the new national education policy: JS MHRD

Press Release

Focus on learner and university as a driver for creating this ecosystem, backed by technology, in-person guidance & industry-relevant content, vital for leapfrogging to Education 4.0: FICCI-EY report

FICCI Study:Leapfrogging to Education 4.0 - Student at the Core

Leapfrogging to Education 4.0 - Student at the Core

FICCI Study:Social Outreach in Higher Education

Social Outreach in Higher Education

FICCI Events:

13th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2017 : A Global Conference and Exhibition

Press Release

Nurture creativity and innovation in children for economic and spiritual development of the nation: NBT Chairman

Press Release

FICCI to lead Indian Higher Education leaders' delegation to NAFSA, 2017 at Los Angeles, USA; to set up 'StudyinIndia Pavilion'

Press Release

FICCI ARISE (Alliance for Re-Imagining School Education) advocates creation of progressive policy environment in public and independent schools Govt. of India notifies learning outcomes for each subject in the Right to Education Act: Prakash Javadekar, Union Minister for HRD

FICCI Events:

Conference on Reforming & Rejuvenating Higher Education

FICCI Study:FICCI E Y Report 2016 - Future of Jobs and its implications on Indian Higher Education

FICCI E Y Report 2016 - Future of Jobs and its implications on Indian Higher Education

FICCI Events:

12th FICCI Higher Education Summit & Exhibition 2016

Press Release

New UGC (Institutions Deemed to be University) Regulations, 2016 is a much needed relief to the higher education sector

FICCI Events:

FICCI`s Flagship Initiative for Promoting National Skill Building Mission


The Future of Business Education

FICCI Events:

Global Education Meet Kerala 2016

Press Release

FICCI-EY Index to foster healthy competition & promote collaboration among states in Higher Education to achieve Vision 2030 goals

Press Release

Integrated scholarship & loan portals to help students pursue higher education: Secretary

FICCI Study:State-focused roadmap to India's "Vision 2030"

State-focused roadmap to India's "Vision 2030"

FICCI Events:

11th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2015

FICCI Events:

FICCI Higher Education Delegation to Germany, France and Netherlands


The India Skills and Education Innovation Conference

FICCI Study:Higher education in India: Moving towards global relevance and competitiveness

Higher education in India: Moving towards global relevance and competitiveness

Press Release

HRD Minister releases Knowledge Paper at FICCI Higher Education Summit 2014

Press Release

Deepening of the student exchange programme with India on the priority says Ms Nikki Randhawa Haley, Governor of South Carolina, USA

FICCI Study:MOOCs and the Future of Indian Higher Education

MOOCs and the Future of Indian Higher Education

FICCI Events:

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2014

FICCI Events:

Round table discussion on the theme 'Creating an Innovation Bridge between Industry and Academia' with Dr. Richard Levin, CEO, Coursera and Former President, Yale University

FICCI Events: Meeting with Dr Mamdouh Shoukri, President, York University, Toronto

FICCI Higher Education Delegation to Canada

FICCI Study:Public Private Partnerships in Education: Learning and Insights for India

Public Private Partnerships in Education: Learning and Insights for India

FICCI Study:Higher Education in India: Vision 2030

Higher Education in India: Vision 2030

FICCI Events:

9th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2013

FICCI Events:

Engaging India and Canada: Networking for Quality Improvement

Press Release

Pallam Raju and Shashi Tharoor to address FICCI Higher Education Summit 2013

Press Release

Right to Education portal launched at FICCI’s Federation House

FICCI Events:

Launch of Right to Education Portal

Press Release

Planning Commission-FICCI-E&Y report identifies six levers to enhance quality of Indian Higher Education Institutes

FICCI Study:Higher Education In India: Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) And Beyond

Higher Education In India: Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) And Beyond


iHigher Education in India: Quest for Excellencee: Recommendations

FICCI Study:Handbook of Private Universities in India 2012

Handbook of Private Universities in India 2012

FICCI Events:

8th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2012

FICCI Events:

Innovation in Education

FICCI Study:White Paper on NKFH: Facilitating Engineering Institution Linkages with the Industry

White Paper on NKFH: Facilitating Engineering Institution Linkages with the Industry

FICCI Events:

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2011

FICCI Study:Private Sector participation in Indian Higher Education

Private Sector participation in Indian Higher Education

FICCI Events:

Scottish Delegation to India


3rd Leader Speaks Series Lecture


Interactive Session with US Higher Education Mission to India on "India-US Partnership: The Road Map Ahead"

FICCI Events:

Seminar on National Knowledge Functional Hub

FICCI Events:

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2010

FICCI Events:

Seminar on India-Canada Partnership Forum

FICCI Events:

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2009

FICCI Study:Making the Indian higher education system future ready

Making the Indian higher education system future ready

FICCI Events:

FICCI Higher Education Delegation to USA with Shri Kapil Sibal


Internationalization of R&D and Challenges for IP Development in India

FICCI Events:

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2008

FICCI Events:

Luncheon meeting with Prof Richard Levin, President, Yale University, USA on “Education and the Re-emergence of Asia”

FICCI Study:FICCI- E & Y Report on "Leveraging partnership in India’s education sector"

FICCI- E & Y Report on "Leveraging partnership in India’s education sector"

FICCI Events:

Roundtable with Prof Richard H Brodhead, President, Duke University, USA, on “Finding and Educating Global Talent in the 21st Century”

FICCI Events:

Seminar with National Knowledge Commission (NKC) on ‘Building India’s Knowledge Economy: Need for Generational Changes

FICCI Events:

Interactive meeting with Prof Alison Richard, Vice Chancellor, University of Cambridge

Sector header

Past Events

FICCI Past Event: FICCI Leadership Development Program

FICCI Leadership Development Program

Feb 20, 2025, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal (Karnataka)
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Leadership Development Program

FICCI Leadership Development Program

Feb 13, 2025, Symbiosis International University, Pune
FICCI Past Event: 19th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2024

19th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2024

Oct 18, 2024, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Viksit Bharat: Technical Textiles for Sustainable Growth & Development

Viksit Bharat: Technical Textiles for Sustainable Growth & Development

Sep 06, 2024, The Ashok, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: 1st FICCI EdTech Conclave

1st FICCI EdTech Conclave

Jul 19, 2024, FICCI, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: 3rd FICCI Industry Academia Conference 2024

3rd FICCI Industry Academia Conference 2024

Jun 05, 2024, Trident Hotel, Nariman Point, Mumbai
FICCI Past Event: 9th FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards 2023

9th FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards 2023

Nov 29, 2023, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: 18th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2023

18th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2023

Nov 29, 2023, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Higher Education Delegation to Australia

FICCI Higher Education Delegation to Australia

Aug 06, 2023, Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney
FICCI Past Event: Workshop on ‘UGC (Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Educational Institutions to offer Twinning, Joint Degree and Dual Degree Programs) Regulations, 2022’

Workshop on ‘UGC (Academic Collaboration between Indian and Foreign Higher Educational Institutions to offer Twinning, Joint Degree and Dual Degree Programs) Regulations, 2022’

Jul 14, 2023, FICCI, New Delhi (Hybrid Mode)
FICCI Past Event: 2nd FICCI Industry Academia Conference 2023<br> 'Leveraging Synergies: Industry-Academia Partnership for Education & Research'

2nd FICCI Industry Academia Conference 2023
'Leveraging Synergies: Industry-Academia Partnership for Education & Research'

May 26, 2023, FICCI, Federation House, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: 17th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2022

17th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2022

Nov 17, 2022, Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium (IG Stadium), New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Reimagine Industry - Academia Partnerships

Reimagine Industry - Academia Partnerships

Mar 29, 2022, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: India-Queensland Education Partnership Event

India-Queensland Education Partnership Event

Mar 08, 2022, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: FICCI SRMIST Virtual Global Conference on 'Navigating Boundaries in Higher Education : Relooking at Industry-Academia Engagement'

FICCI SRMIST Virtual Global Conference on 'Navigating Boundaries in Higher Education : Relooking at Industry-Academia Engagement'

Sep 28, 2021, Virtual Platform, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
FICCI Past Event: Legal Education in India: A Global Perspective

Legal Education in India: A Global Perspective

Sep 08, 2021, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: Building Resilience : Supporting Mental Wellbeing on Campuses

Building Resilience : Supporting Mental Wellbeing on Campuses

May 31, 2021, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: PSA-FICCI Event on Innovation & Science @Bharat series - Session 2: AI in Agriculture

PSA-FICCI Event on Innovation & Science @Bharat series - Session 2: AI in Agriculture

May 21, 2021, Virtual Platform, 03:00 PM
FICCI Past Event: Innovation & Science @ Bharat Series

Innovation & Science @ Bharat Series

Apr 23, 2021, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: 16th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2021

16th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2021

Feb 25, 2021, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: Impact of Recent Labour Codes on Workforce Practices at Educational Institutions

Impact of Recent Labour Codes on Workforce Practices at Educational Institutions

Jan 22, 2021, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: Chat with Chair, Higher Education Committee Dr Vidya Yeravdekar

Chat with Chair, Higher Education Committee Dr Vidya Yeravdekar

Jan 06, 2021, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: Industry Academia Webinar Session on Importance of being a Self-reliant

Industry Academia Webinar Session on Importance of being a Self-reliant

Oct 07, 2020, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: NEP 2020 : Internationalization and the Way Forward

NEP 2020 : Internationalization and the Way Forward

Sep 10, 2020, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: National Education Policy 2020: The way Forward

National Education Policy 2020: The way Forward

Aug 17, 2020, Virtual Platform
FICCI Past Event: 15th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2019

15th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2019

Nov 27, 2019, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Call for Application: 6th FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards 2019

Call for Application: 6th FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards 2019

Sep 12, 2019, FICCI, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Launch of 'FICCI Future - X' and Talk Series on

Launch of 'FICCI Future - X' and Talk Series on

Jul 03, 2019, FICCI, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: 14th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2018: A Global Conference & Exhibition

14th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2018: A Global Conference & Exhibition

Oct 30, 2018, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: 13th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2017 : A Global Conference and Exhibition

13th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2017 : A Global Conference and Exhibition

Nov 09, 2017, India Expo Centre, Greater Noida
FICCI Past Event: Conference on Reforming & Rejuvenating Higher Education

Conference on Reforming & Rejuvenating Higher Education

Nov 29, 2016, Chennai
FICCI Past Event: 12th FICCI Higher Education Summit & Exhibition 2016

12th FICCI Higher Education Summit & Exhibition 2016

Nov 10, 2016, FICCI, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: FICCI`s Flagship Initiative for Promoting National Skill Building Mission

FICCI`s Flagship Initiative for Promoting National Skill Building Mission

Jun 08, 2016, FICCI, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: The Future of Business Education

The Future of Business Education

Feb 26, 2016, Mumbai
FICCI Past Event: Global Education Meet Kerala 2016

Global Education Meet Kerala 2016

Jan 29, 2016, Kovalam, Thiruvananthapuram
FICCI Past Event: 11th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2015

11th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2015

Nov 03, 2015, FICCI, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Higher Education Delegation to Germany, France and Netherlands

FICCI Higher Education Delegation to Germany, France and Netherlands

Jun 22, 2015, Germany, France and Netherlands
FICCI Past Event: The India Skills and Education Innovation Conference

The India Skills and Education Innovation Conference

Jan 14, 2015, UK
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Higher Education Summit 2014

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2014

Nov 12, 2014, FICCI, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Round table discussion on the theme 'Creating an Innovation Bridge between Industry and Academia' with Dr. Richard Levin, CEO, Coursera and Former President, Yale University

Round table discussion on the theme 'Creating an Innovation Bridge between Industry and Academia' with Dr. Richard Levin, CEO, Coursera and Former President, Yale University

Nov 06, 2014, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Higher Education Delegation to Canada

FICCI Higher Education Delegation to Canada

Jun 16, 2014, Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver
FICCI Past Event: 9th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2013

9th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2013

Nov 13, 2013, Federation House,New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Engaging India and Canada: Networking for Quality Improvement

Engaging India and Canada: Networking for Quality Improvement

Nov 12, 2013, FICCI, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Launch of Right to Education Portal

Launch of Right to Education Portal

Aug 29, 2013, FICCI, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: 8th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2012

8th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2012

Nov 05, 2012, FICCI, Federation House, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Innovation in Education

Innovation in Education

Oct 31, 2012, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Higher Education Summit 2011

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2011

Nov 11, 2011, FICCI, Federation House, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Scottish Delegation to India

Scottish Delegation to India

Nov 10, 2011, FICCI, Federation House, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: 3rd Leader Speaks Series Lecture

3rd Leader Speaks Series Lecture

Oct 11, 2011, ITC Royal Gardenia, Bangalore
FICCI Past Event: Interactive Session with US Higher Education Mission to India on

Interactive Session with US Higher Education Mission to India on "India-US Partnership: The Road Map Ahead"

Oct 10, 2011, Hotel Shangri- La, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Seminar on National Knowledge Functional Hub

Seminar on National Knowledge Functional Hub

May 03, 2011, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Higher Education Summit 2010

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2010

Nov 11, 2010, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Seminar on India-Canada Partnership Forum

Seminar on India-Canada Partnership Forum

Nov 10, 2010, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Higher Education Summit 2009

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2009

Nov 06, 2009, Federation House, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Higher Education Delegation to USA with Shri Kapil Sibal

FICCI Higher Education Delegation to USA with Shri Kapil Sibal

Oct 25, 2009, USA
FICCI Past Event: Internationalization of R&D and Challenges for IP Development in India

Internationalization of R&D and Challenges for IP Development in India

Mar 31, 2009,
FICCI Past Event: FICCI Higher Education Summit 2008

FICCI Higher Education Summit 2008

Nov 25, 2008, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Luncheon meeting with Prof Richard Levin, President, Yale University, USA on “Education and the Re-emergence of Asia”

Luncheon meeting with Prof Richard Levin, President, Yale University, USA on “Education and the Re-emergence of Asia”

Nov 18, 2008, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Roundtable with Prof Richard H Brodhead, President, Duke University, USA, on “Finding and Educating Global Talent in the 21st Century”

Roundtable with Prof Richard H Brodhead, President, Duke University, USA, on “Finding and Educating Global Talent in the 21st Century”

Oct 13, 2008, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Seminar with National Knowledge Commission (NKC) on ‘Building India’s Knowledge Economy: Need for Generational Changes

Seminar with National Knowledge Commission (NKC) on ‘Building India’s Knowledge Economy: Need for Generational Changes

Aug 13, 2008, New Delhi
FICCI Past Event: Interactive meeting with Prof Alison Richard, Vice Chancellor, University of Cambridge

Interactive meeting with Prof Alison Richard, Vice Chancellor, University of Cambridge

Jan 04, 2008, New Delhi

Chair / Co-Chair


FICCI Chair Cochair: Dr Vidya Yeravdekar

Dr Vidya Yeravdekar

Pro Chancellor
Symbiosis International University


FICCI Chair Cochair: Mr. Samir Somaiya

Mr. Samir Somaiya

Somaiya Vidyavihar University


FICCI Chair Cochair: Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M. D. Venkatesh

Lt. Gen. (Dr.) M. D. Venkatesh

Vice Chancellor
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)


FICCI Advisors: Dr. Rajan Saxena

Dr. Rajan Saxena

Former Vice Chancellor
NMIMS (Deemed University)


Policy Recommendations

iHigher Education in India: Quest for Excellencee: Recommendations

Media Coverage

Krishi Jagran |

17th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2022

The Pioneer |

FICCI award for Samanta

The Statesman |

Learning as an Enterprise

The Hindu Business Line |

Making India the global education hub

millenniumpost |

Invigorating educational excellence

The Pioneer |

Education 2018

The Hindu Business Line |

FICCI launches 'Business School Ratings'

The Times of India |

NIT-Trichy named 'University of Year'

The Zimbabwe Mail |

Zimbabwean students excel in India

The Times of India |

Haryana mulls new edu law for safety in schools

Business Standard |

India slides in world university rankings

The New Indian Express |

Amrita's e-learning solution wins award

Deccan Herald |

Govt moots relaxing services sector norms

The Economic Times |

Class X Exams likely to be Reintroduced

The Hindu Business Line |

Services sector norms to be eased

The Hindu |

Class X exams may be back

The Hindu Business Line |

NIIT University's new President

The Financial Express |

Can 2016 be the inflection year for MOOCs in India?

The Financial Express |

Open up online learning

The Financial Express |

Making higher education globally-relevant

The Statesman |

Lion will need more before it roars

Business Line |

A plan to transform higher education

The Times of India |

India Vision 2030

Hindustan Times |

A vision for education - from 2013 to 2030

The Pioneer |

Tharoor Felicitates two from Apeejay

The Financial Express |

FICCI Felicitates Sushma Berlia at its Summit 2013

The Statesman |

Report criticises higher edu regulators

The Sunday Guardian |

Cost of education in US will go up by Rs 5 lakh

The New Indian Express |

Quality of education tied to GDP growth, says Tharoor

Education Times |

Mine of opportunities

Mathrubhumi Education |

Indian higher education has challenges, says Report

Business Standard |

Companies may be allowed to set up universities

The Tribune |

MIT, Yale, Boston keen to come: Sibal

The Economic Times |

US varsities interested in India, says Sibal

Indian Express |

Symbiosis Univ eyes tie-up with Harvard

Press Releases

India can support the global higher-ed ecosystem by getting large number of foreign students in our institutions: Sunil K Barnwal, Additional Secretary, Higher Education

Azim Premji named Legendary Institution Builder at the FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards 2024

World to add 100 crore new workers in the workforce in next 20 years; India will have a 25 per cent share: Ved Mani Tiwari, CEO, NSDC

Industry professionals to mentor higher education faculty; Govt. working on strategy: Secretary, Higher Education, GoI

NITI Aayog preparing vision document for 2047; education to play key role in it: CEO NITI Aayog

Industry-Academia collaboration essential for India becoming a world leader: Dr Chintan Vaishnav, Mission Director, Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)

Multi-disciplinary focus in education key to growth and progress: Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa, India

Education with technology, sincerity, hard work, and discipline are the key to success: Dr Bhagwat Karad, MoS Finance

Higher Education Institutions can learn from Indian Think Tanks: Sanjay Verma, Secretary (West), Ministry of External Affairs

Govt committed to transform India into a global education hub: Minister of State for Education Dr Subhas Sarkar

FICCI announces appointment of Divya Gokulnath, Co-founder, BYJUS as Chair of the FICCI EdTech Taskforce

NEP 2020 going to be the defining feature of the future of education in India: Piyush Goyal

The 21st century belongs to the Young India - India poised to become R&D capital: Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank'

Technology changed the landscape of broadcasting sector, convergence providing new growth opportunities: R S Sharma, Chairman, TRAI

Allow higher education institutions to invest surplus in alternative asset classes: FICCI

Good policy comes from good thinking and rely on aggregates and averages - Chief Economic Advisor

Human touch essential in modern education system - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji

Ideation, innovation and incubation should be given primacy in our curriculum: President of India Ram Nath Kovind

Hosting foreign students will boost India's soft power: ICCR President Dr Vinay Sahasrabuddhe

Industry should design syllabus to resolve unemployment: Parliamentarians

Amitabh Kant outlines 6-point agenda to brand India as the education and research hub of the world

Secretary-Higher Education, MHRD felicitates 13 Educational Institutions and Personalities with 5th FICCI Higher Education Excellence Awards

Higher Education must prepare students to respond to Industry 4.0 needs: Suresh Prabhu

Graded-autonomy a bold move towards liberalising Higher Eduacation: FICCI

Though the responsibilities lie with all the stakeholders, schools need to be proactive and prepared for risk assessment and mitigation - O P Singh, DG, CISF on safety and security in schools

Focus on learner and university as a driver for creating this ecosystem, backed by technology, in-person guidance & industry-relevant content, vital for leapfrogging to Education 4.0: FICCI-EY report

Govt. finalizing the new national education policy: JS MHRD

Nurture creativity and innovation in children for economic and spiritual development of the nation: NBT Chairman

FICCI to lead Indian Higher Education leaders' delegation to NAFSA, 2017 at Los Angeles, USA; to set up 'StudyinIndia Pavilion'

FICCI ARISE (Alliance for Re-Imagining School Education) advocates creation of progressive policy environment in public and independent schools Govt. of India notifies learning outcomes for each subject in the Right to Education Act: Prakash Javadekar, Union Minister for HRD

New UGC (Institutions Deemed to be University) Regulations, 2016 is a much needed relief to the higher education sector

Integrated scholarship & loan portals to help students pursue higher education: Secretary

FICCI-EY Index to foster healthy competition & promote collaboration among states in Higher Education to achieve Vision 2030 goals

Deepening of the student exchange programme with India on the priority says Ms Nikki Randhawa Haley, Governor of South Carolina, USA

HRD Minister releases Knowledge Paper at FICCI Higher Education Summit 2014

Pallam Raju and Shashi Tharoor to address FICCI Higher Education Summit 2013

Right to Education portal launched at FICCI’s Federation House

Planning Commission-FICCI-E&Y report identifies six levers to enhance quality of Indian Higher Education Institutes

FICCI Eduwrap

FICCI Eduwrap - September 2020


FICCI Eduwrap - November 2020


FICCI Eduwrap - January 2021


FICCI Eduwrap - March 2021


FICCI Eduwrap - May 2021


FICCI Eduwrap - July 2021


FICCI Eduwrap - September 2021


FICCI Eduwrap - November 2021


FICCI Eduwrap - January 2022


FICCI Eduwrap - March 2022


National Knowledge Functional Hub

FICCI's "National Knowledge Functional Hub (NKFH)" is an initiative to facilitate and strengthen Industry - Academia engagement across India. The intent of this initiative is to create a knowledge network of leading Universities and Companies with Tier II and Tier III Institutions and local Small and Medium Industry.

NKFH was recommended by the 'Narayan Murthy Committee on Industry-Academia Linkages' and endorsed by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Under NKFH FICCI has partnered with the UK's Royal Academy of Engineering in 2015 under the Newton-Bhabha Fund which builds science, innovation and R&D ties between India and the UK, sponsored by both governments. 

Broad objectives of the engagement are as follows: 
  • To support Indian universities in improving their engineering education and research output through strengthening industry linkages and leveraging UK expertise
  • To form partnership models which could have significant impact within a short timeframe

FICCI- SVU NKFH Centre of Excellence

FICCI and Sri Venkateswara University (SVU), Tirupati has signed an MoU to set up FICCI SVU NKFH Centre of Excellence at the SV University in the presence of Shri N. Chandrababu Naidu, Hon’ble Chief Minister and Shri Ganta Srinivas Rao, Education Minister during the 12th FICCI Higher Education Summit held on November 10-12, 2016 at New Delhi. 
A governance structure for the CoE has been set up with the support of industry champion such as Thermax and Festo India. 

FICCI-Business School Ratings

FICCI, in association with ICARE Ratings, has designed "FICCI-Business School Ratings", a comprehensive framework to audit, assess and rate Business Schools in India on globally relevant and employability-oriented parameters. This is backed by intensive research and industry stalwarts so as to propel our B-Schools into the 'World-Class' league.

Business Schools will be divided into categories and rated for their overall performance against a wide range of parameters. Participating B-Schools will be provided with a detailed analytical report at the end of each years’ exercise, which will help senior administration to take steps to improve upon their strengths and strive for excellence.