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FICCI Taskforce on Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable agriculture development has been accorded a very high priority in FICCI’s agenda. FICCI applauds the Government's strong vision and commitment to achieving the SDG targets by 2030. FICCI's endeavor is to complement and support this vision through a collaborative approach. FICCI Task Force, therefore, visualizes catalyzing the development of sustainable and climate-smart agriculture through technology infusion, developing appropriate linkages and developing a conducive policy ecosystem. 

The mission of the Taskforce is:

  • Map issues related to sustainable & climate resilient production
  • Catalyse appropriate collaborations among stakeholders  to build long term resilience of agricultural value chain 
  • Enable a globally aligned agenda for ensuring  climate smart outcomes 
  • Develop impactful models for dissemination of new age technologies & agriculture practices to grower ecosystem 
  • To work with the Government at Centre and State  in shaping strategic interventions for meeting SDGs  and  averting climate change impact on Indian agriculture at ground level
  • Catalyze development of conducive policies for bringing newer technologies & innovative products that are safe, environment friendly & more effective.
  • Organizing dialogues, conferences to showcase successful industry  projects and develop future strategies for sustainable and smart agriculture


Ms. Anuja Kadian
Government & Industry Affairs Director (Asia Pacific)
Corteva Agriscience