- To conduct applied research in the fields of economics, public policy, business and management.
- To facilitate policy formulation at the national and sub-national levels through consultative mechanisms.
- To ensure that industry opinion and corporate India’s perspectives find a reflection in the consensus on developmental issues.
- To conduct applied research in the fields of economics, public policy, business and management.
- To facilitate policy formulation at the national and sub-national levels through consultative mechanisms.
- To ensure that industry opinion and corporate India’s perspectives find a reflection in the consensus on developmental issues.
Information services:
The division maintains and regularly updates databases on statistics pertaining to Indian economy, industry and trade.
Research – studies and surveys:
In addition to studies on macro-economic, public policy and industry developments, the division undertakes issue-based research and it has to its credit a number of detailed research papers and study reports, which have been highly acclaimed. An indicative list of studies undertaken in the past is given below -
- Green shoots in the Indian economy – What the lead indicators of economic activity show?
- State of the economy and how to bring growth back?
- Slowdown in industrial growth and its policy implications
- India – Africa business and economic relations
- India Inc’s acquisitions abroad
- Diversifying India’s exports to China
- Long-term financing needs of the Indian industry and the role of Development Financial Institutions
- Job reservation in the private sector – A review
- India’s manufacturing sector growth @ 12% - What needs to be done?
The division conducts several benchmark surveys, which are referred to by the government and the Reserve Bank of India.
- The division conducts a quarterly Business Confidence Survey amongst members of corporate India. The indices developed by the division to gauge the confidence level of India Inc. serve as lead indicators of economic and industrial activity in the nation.
- The division’s FDI Survey brings out the experience of foreign direct investors in India with respect to their current operations and their future plans. The Survey has often been referred to by international agencies like the UNCTAD and MIGA and the findings are used as a reference tool in Universities both in India and abroad.
- The division’s regular Export Survey monitors the trends, direction and structure of India’s exports by gathering direct ground level feedback from India’s leading exporters. This survey has evolved as an important outreach tool and provides the exporting community an opportunity to present its views on a variety of issues to the government.
Some of the other surveys undertaken in the past include the following –
- Survey on ‘FMCG industry in India’
- Survey on ‘Consumer durables goods industry in India’
- Survey on ‘Services sector in India’
- Survey on ‘Emerging oil price scenario and the Indian industry’
- Survey on ‘Bank Financing for the SSI sector’
- Survey on ‘Ending of Multifibre Agreement and the Indian textile industry’
- Survey on ‘Incidence of indirect taxes on the final price of products’
- Survey on ‘India-Thailand FTA – Emerging issues’
- Survey on ‘The State of Industrial Training Institutions in India’
Providing policy inputs to government:
The division from time to time provides policy inputs to the government on evolving industry, trade and investment policies. Working closely with FICCI’s specialist sectoral and regional teams, the Economic Affairs and Research Division has in the past produced research papers and survey reports that have been used as policy inputs by different government committees, study groups, ministries and departments. The division has in the past provided inputs to –
- India-China Joint Study Group
- India-Korea Joint Study Group
- India-Japan Joint study Group
- India-EU High Level Trade Group
Collaborative projects:
The division is presently undertaking a joint research and workshop project on ‘State level reforms in India - Increasing investments’ with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAF), Germany. The objective of the project is to identify factors that acting as developmental constraints at the state level in India and suggest a set of practical and actionable reform measures for attracting greater investment into the State. The project aims at pinpointing the ground level procedural hassles, which are acting as deterrent for bringing in fresh investments into the state. Till date the project has been carried out in four states of India – Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand and Punjab. The reports prepared after extensive primary research at the ground level, state wide industry surveys and stakeholders’ meetings have been submitted to the respective state governments at industry – government interactive workshops organised at the respective state capitals.
Team Leader
Anshuman Khanna
Deputy Secretary General

Union Budget 2025-26: Analysis Report
Union Budget 2025-26: Budget with FICCI
ExploreEconomic Outlook Survey - January 2025
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - November 2024
ExploreEconomic Outlook Survey - October 2024
ExploreFICCI-IBA Survey of Bankers: January - June 2024
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - August 2024
Special Interactive Session on India@100
ExploreUnion Budget Analysis 2024-25
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - May 2024
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - May 2024
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - February 2024
ExploreFICCI-IBA Survey of Bankers: July-December 2023
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - January 2024
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - November 2023
FICCI Report on SMEs in India
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - October 2023
ExploreFICCI-IBA Survey of Bankers
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - August 2023
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - May 2023
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - May 2023
ExploreMeeting with Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - February 2023
ExploreFICCI-IBA Survey of Bankers
ExploreHopeful that Budget will continue to lay major thrust on capex: FICCI
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - January 2023
India's century - Achieving sustainable, inclusive growth
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - November 2022
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - October 2022
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - August 2022
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - July 2022
ExploreGDP growth estimated at 7.0 per cent for 2022-23: FICCI Economic Outlook Survey

FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - July 2022
ExploreIndia Inc's confidence is Up
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - April 2022
ExploreGDP growth estimated at 7.4% for 2022-23: FICCI ECONOMIC OUTLOOK SURVEY
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - April 2022
ExploreThrust of tax proposals in the Budget is to simplify processes, reduce litigation & provide stable tax regime: JB Mohapatra, Chairperson, CBDT
Budget strengthens the drivers of long-term development: FICCI
Union Budget Analysis 2022-23
ExploreFICCI's Pre Budget Survey 2022-23
ExploreBudget should focus on improving demand and enhancing capex on infrastructure: FICCI Economic Survey highlights growth in next fiscal to be supported by private investments, exports and supply side reforms
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - January 2022
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - January 2022
ExploreSuggestions for Union Budget 2022-23
Pre - Budget Memorandum 2022-23
ExploreFICCI Recommendations: Union Budget 2022-23
ExploreInteractive Meeting with New Members
ExploreGDP growth for 2021-22 projected at 9.1%: FICCI Economic Outlook Survey
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - October 2021
ExploreSocial and Economic Reforms under Modi Government
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - July 2021
ExploreFICCI - Dhruva Advisors Business Survey
FICCI & Dhruva Advisors Business Survey - June 2021
ExploreRecord surge in the COVID-19 infections deeply impacts business sentiments: FICCI Business Confidence Survey
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - May 2021
ExploreOverall Confidence Index touches a decadal high of 74.2 in the latest survey round: FICCI Business Confidence Survey
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - February 2021
ExploreFICCI Statement on Q3 2021 GDP Numbers
Budget 2021 clearly marks directional change for Indian economy: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
Government presents an outstanding and clear-headed budget: Uday Shankar, President, FICCI

Union Budget 2021-22
ExploreFICCI Pre-budget expectations for Medical Devices sector
FICCI statement on Economic Survey 2020-21

Economic Outlook Survey - January 2021
ExploreFICCI-Dhruva Advisors Pre-Budget 2021-22 Survey [January 2021]

FICCI-Dhruva Advisors Pre-Budget 2021-22 Survey
FICCI KAS Future of Indian Economy in Post Covid World
ExploreFICCI Dhruva Advisors Industry Survey (December 2020)
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - November 2020
ExploreFICCI statement on Q2 GDP numbers
Finance Minister offers a huge Diwali Bonanza that will lift growth, employment, exports and make India part of the global value chains: President, FICCI
FICCI welcomes Rs 1 lakh crore demand boost to the economy
FICCI statement on Q1 GDP numbers
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - August 2020
ExploreFICCI-IBA Bankers' Survey- July 2020
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - July 2020
ExploreFICCI-Dhruva Advisors Industry Survey: Rebooting the Indian Economy
Rebooting the Indian Economy - Industry Survey
ExploreFICCI encouraged by the confidence of rating agencies in India's growth revival
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - April 2020
Part II - Supplementary Note on Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Industry
Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy
ExploreOverall Confidence Index improves after seven quarters - FICCI Business Confidence Survey
FICCI on Economic Survey 2019-20: 2020 the Decade of New India
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - January 2020
ExploreGDP growth seen at 5.0% in 2019-20; 5.5% in 2020-21: FICCI Economic Outlook Survey
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - January 2020
FICCI Pre-Budget Memorandum 2020-21
ExploreFICCI Suggests Relaxation of the Fiscal Deficit Target to Boost Demand
FICCI statement on Q2 GDP growth
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - October 2019
ExploreQ1 2019-20 GDP growth pegged at 6.0%: FICCI Economic Outlook Survey
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - August 2019
ExploreEconomic Survey 2018-19 a blueprint to achieve Prime Minister's vision for 5 trillion-dollar economy by 2024-25: FICCI
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - June 2019
FICCI's Pre-Budget Memorandum 2019-20
ExploreFICCI Survey projects GDP growth for 2019-20 at 7.1%, and 7.2% for 2020-21
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey May 2019
FICCI Delegation led by President Mr Sandip Somany calls on Mr Arun Jaitley, Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - February 2019
ExploreHiring and Production Outlook Improves in Manufacturing: FICCI Survey Export Outlook Continue to be Affected by Global Demand Factors
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - January 2019
ExploreFICCI recommends cut in corporate tax rate, revision of IT slabs for individual taxpayers in Budget 2019-20
FICCI Pre-Budget recommendations for 2019-20
ExploreFICCI calls for improvement in credit flow to boost GDP growth
FICCI's Economic Outlook Survey: GDP growth estimated at 7.4% for Q2 of 2018-19
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - November 2018
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - November 2018
ExploreFICCI congratulates government for big jump in India's ease of doing business ranking
Need for a growth supportive Monetary Policy Stance: Rashesh Shah, President, FICCI
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - September 2018
ExploreFICCI Survey on Exports
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - August 2018
ExploreQ1 2018-19 GDP growth pegged at 7.1%: FICCI Economic Outlook Survey GDP expected to register growth of 7.4% in 2018-19
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - June 2018
ExploreFICCI-IBA Bankers Survey - June 2018
ExploreFY19 Growth Set to be Around 7.5%, Q4 FY18 GDP Growth Shows Investment Pick-Up: Rashesh Shah, President, FICC
FICCI's Economic Outlook Survey projects GDP growth for FY19 at 7.4% GDP growth estimate for Q4 FY18 at 7.1%
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - May 2018
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - February 2018
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - February 2018
ExploreCommerce Minister kicks off New National Industrial Policy Consultation with FICCI In Guwahati
Union Budget 2018-19
ExploreFICCI-IBA Bankers Survey - January 2018
'India's Quest: Targets for the Decade'
ExploreFICCI comments on GDP numbers
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - November 2017
Informal Economy in India: Setting the Framework for Formalisation, 2017
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - November 2017
ExploreGDP growth to improve to 6.2% in Q2, 2017-18; Fiscal Deficit to be at 3.3% in 2017-18
FICCI comments on the Moody's upgrade of India's rating
FICCI comments on WPI inflation data
Statement from FICCI on World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Report and India's latest rankings
FICCI Statement on Union Finance Minister's Economic Policy Statement
"We need an accommodative monetary policy at this juncture" - Pankaj Patel, FICCI President
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - August 2017
ExploreFICCI Economic Outlook Survey - August 2017
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI numbers
FICCI comments on Economic Survey 2016-17 Volume II
FICCI-IBA Bankers Survey - August 2017
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI Data
FICCI comments on WPI Inflation Numbers of May 2017

Interactive Session with Mr. Alan Rosling on 'Boom Country? The New Wave of Indian Enterprise'
ExploreFICCI comments on GDP Data 2016-17
FICCI's Economic Outlook Survey projects GDP growth of 7.4% for 2017-18
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - May 2017
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI Data for April 2017
Panel Discussion on Economy of Jobs
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - April 2017
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI inflation numbers

Book Launch - 'From Narasimha Rao to Narendra Modi' authored by Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI numbers
Union Budget Analysis 2017-18
ExploreCorporate India's business confidence takes a hit
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - January 2017
ExploreFICCI's Economic Outlook Survey projects GDP growth of 6.8% for 2016-17
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - January 2017
Can India Grow? Book launch and discussion with Dr. V. Anantha Nageswaran, Mr. T.C.A Srinivasa-Raghavan and Mr. Siddharth Singh
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI data - Dec, 2016
FICCI-IBA Bankers Survey - January 2017
ExploreHighlights Economic Survey 2016-17
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI numbers
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - November 2016
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI numbers
FICCI's Overall Business Confidence Index at six quarter high Demand pulse gaining traction
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - October 2016
ExploreFICCI comments on the assessment of state implementation of business reforms
FICCI comments on WPI Inflation data
FICCI Comments on August WPI Inflation
GDP growth estimated at 7.8% in 2016-17: FICCI's Economic Outlook Survey
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - August 2016
ExploreFICCI Survey on BREXIT - July 2016
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - July 2016
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI based inflation data
FICCI comments on the Cabinet approval to pay commission recommendations
FICCI-IBA Bankers Survey - June 2016
ExploreOverall Business Confidence Index increases by 7 points...however caution still underlines the mood of India Inc.
FICCI Business Confidence Survey - June 2016
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI inflation numbers
The economy is gathering pace at a much faster pace than anticipated, says A. Didar Singh, Secretary General, FICCI
FICCI comments on GDP numbers
GDP Growth Estimated at 7.7% for 2016-17 - FICCI's Economic Outlook Survey
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - May 2016
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI inflation data for April 2016
Union Budget Analysis 2016-17
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI data
FICCI applauds Govt.'s decision to withdraw the provident fund tax proposal

Interactive Session with Shri Jayant Sinha, Hon'ble Minister of State, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, on Union Budget 2016-17
ExploreFICCI Business Confidence Survey - February 2016
ExploreHighlights Economic Survey 2015-16
ExploreHighlights Railway Budget 2016-17
ExploreNeed for environment to boost domestic, global investments and maintain fiscal discipline: FM Jaitley
FICCI-EY Post - Budget Interactive Session on Central Budget 2016-17 'Industry Impact Analysis'
Explore"Amidst a muted global economic scenario, this growth is encouraging" - FICCI President Harshavardhan Neotia on Eco Survey 2015-16
FICCI Comments on the Railway Budget 2016-17
FICCI's latest Economic Outlook Survey put across GDP growth estimate at 7.4% for 2015-16
FICCI Economic Outlook Survey - February 2016
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI data
"We look forward to the Union Budget giving a positive direction to the economy" - A Didar Singh, Secretary General, FICCI

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of India's Economic Reforms - Launch Event: IndiaBefore91.in
ExploreFICCI-IBA Bankers Survey - January 2016
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI based inflation numbers
FICCI comments on IIP data for November 2015
FICCI-IBA Bankers Survey January 2016
ExploreFICCI's submission at the pre-budget consultative meeting with Finance Minister
Hike in fee of H-1B and L-1 visas to hamper US Economic Growth

Translating Aspirations Into Reality: India@2022
ExploreArun Jaitley renews call to remove hurdles in road to GST
FICCI comments on the rate hike by US Federal

Interactive Session with Shri Arun Jaitley, Hon'ble Minister for Finance & Corporate Affairs on 'GST in India'
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI Data
FICCI comments on the Second Quarter GDP numbers
FICCI comments on FDI reforms announced by the Government
FICCI comments on the Gold schemes, launched by the Government today
FICCI comments on WPI data for the month of September 2015

Skill Development in India
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI inflation data
FICCI comments on GDP numbers
Overall Business Confidence Index slips in the latest FICCI Survey
FICCI comments on WPI numbers for July 2015
Passage of key legislations is urgently needed to push business sentiments, greater investments and jobs creation
FICCI comments on WPI inflation data, June 2015

The Future of Capitalism: A Case for India
ExploreFICCI comments on Inflation in May 2015
FICCI comments on GDP at 7.3% in 2014-15
FICCI comments on WPI data for April 2015
Industry meeting with the Commerce Minister on FDI in E-commerce

Book launch of 'Poverty and Progress: Realities and Myths About Global Poverty' by Deepak Lal, published by Oxford University Press
ExploreFICCI comments on Inflation data
FICCI's comments on affirmation of India's stable and positive sovereign rating by Fitch and Moody's
FICCI comments on the launch of MUDRA Bank by PM Modi
Union Budget Analysis 2015-16
ExploreFICCI comments on WPI inflation data for December 2014
FICCI comments on WPI inflation at 0.0% in November 2014
FICCI's reaction on the fifth bi-monthly monetary policy statement
FICCI comments on GDP numbers (Q2) released today
The WPI data released today comes as a great relief: FICCI

Interactive session with Dr. Arvind Panagariya on 'Current State of Indian Economy and Future Prospects'
ExploreFICCI flags growth issues on WPI data
FICCI comments on Vodafone judgement
Overall Business Confidence Index at a fifteen quarter high: INDIA Inc's confidence level soars further - FICCI's Business Confidence Survey
FICCI comments on WPI data
FICCI's latest Economic Outlook Survey: Economists indicate a cut in policy rate by first quarter of 2015
FICCI Comments on IIP Data for July 2014
FICCI's Agenda for Economic Growth
ExploreNational Asset Management Company: A Concept
ExploreEnabling India...
ExploreFICCI comments on GDP growth, increases to 5.7% in Q1 2014-15
FICCI comments on Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
Interactive Session on The Journey To Sustainable Double-Digit Growth-with Mr Arun Jaitley
ExploreFICCI comments on RBI Policy
FICCI comments on WPI numbers, June, 2014
FICCI latest Economic Outlook Survey puts GDP growth forecast for 2014-15 at 5.3%, Fiscal deficit to GDP ratio expected at 4.5% in 2014-15
Statement from FICCI on Steps announced by Finance Minister to tackle inflation
FICCI comments on WPI data of May 2014

Book Launch: 'Getting India Back On Track: An Action Agenda for Reform'
ExploreFICCI comments on GDP numbers
FICCI comments on GDP numbers
FICCI comments on WPI data, April 2014
FICCI comments on WPI Inflation numbers - March 2014
FICCI's Business Confidence Survey indicates marginal improvement in confidence level

FICCI–FES Roundtable on 'Imperatives for Growth in Rajasthan'
ExploreFICCI's reaction to IIP and CPI data for January 2014
FICCI Comments on Export Data
FICCI comments on 2013-14 GDP Q3, 2013 numbers
GDP Growth to Slow Down to 4.8% in the Current Fiscal - FICCI's Economic Outlook Survey
FICCI comments on Inflation Data, December 2013
FICCI Comments on WPI Figures, Nov'13
FICCI Comments on GDP Numbers
FICCI's Reaction on Inflation Data

FICCI-FES Roundtable on 'Imperatives for Growth in Uttar Pradesh'
ExploreFICCI's Economic Outlook Survey shows GDP Growth Estimate Scaled Down to 5% in FY14
FICCI Comments on CAD Numbers
FICCI Business Confidence Survey: Shows a dip in confidence level of Corporate India Profits, investments take a hit amidst current scenario
FICCI's reaction on Inflation Data - August 2013
FICCI Comments on the statement of C. Rangarajan
FICCI Comments on GDP Growth at 4.4% in Q1 FY14

FICCI-FES Roundtable on Reforms in Punjab
ExploreWholesale Price Index for July'13 inches up
FICCI Comments on Monetary Policy
Reviving industrial growth imperative for economic turnaround says FICCI President, Naina Lal Kidwai at PM's meet
FICCI'S Economic Outlook Survey: Estimates GDP Growth at 6% in FY14 and 5.0% in Q1 FY14
Synopsis of the FICCI EY Report on Bribery and Corruption: Ground reality in India
FDI announcements are a welcome step
FICCI Comments on Wholesale Price Index (WPI)
FICCI Comments on Current Account Deficit
Rupee At All Time Low: Private Defence Players Badly Need Exchange Rate Variation (ERV) Risk Cover in DPP 2013
Rupee At All Time Low: Private Defence Players Badly Need Exchange Rate Variation (ERV) Risk Cover in DPP 2013
FICCI's Reaction on WPI Numbers
Business Confidence in Q4 of FY13 Sees a Dip, Industry Emphasizes Reduction in Lending Rates to Support Investments and Growth: FICCI Survey
FICCI Reaction on GDP Growth at 4.8% in Q4 2012-13 and 5.0% in FY13
FICCI's Reaction on Inflation Data

Global Economic Prospects & Its Implications for India
India Summit 2013
ExploreFICCI Reaction on the PMEAC's Review of the Economy-2012/13
Removal of Bottlenecks to Ease Supply of Food & Goods Vital to Tame Inflation: FICCI President, Naina Lal Kidwai
GDP growth at 4.5% in Q3 FY13
FICCI reacts to GDP shocker
Naina Lal Kidwai, President, FICCI Comments on Economic Survey 2012-13
FICCI hopes Budget will be pro-growth and spur capital formation
FICCI Reaction on the Advance Estimate for GDP growth (2012-13)
Current business environment not conducive to capacity expansion, say 77% of FICCI Survey respondents
FICCI'S Economic Outlook Survey forecasts a GDP Growth of 6.7%
Issues taken up by Ms. Naina Lal Kidwai, President of FICCI with the Finance Minister Mr. P.Chidambaram during Pre Budget Consultations with the Trade and Industry Sector
FICCI's Senior Vice President Sidharth Birla raises industry's concern with PMEAC Chief C. Rangarajan; makes broad suggestions on way forward
FICCI Comments on Inflation data
FICCI Welcomes Cabinet's Decision to Set-Up CCI
FICCI's Reaction on the 'Direct Cash Transfer' Program Announced by the Government
FICCI's Reaction to GDP Numbers
FICCI's comments on Inflation Data for the month of October 2012
FICCI President, R. V. Kanoria's comments on inflation data
Bleak Export Prospects in second half 2012 -FICCI Export Survey
Press Statement of Mr. R. V. Kanoria, President, FICCI on 'Reforms, The Way Forward'
FICCI's comments on CRR cut
FICCI Chief R V Kanoria’s reaction to inflation data
GDP growth at 5.5% in Q1 gives little room for comfort: FICCI
GDP growth rate likely to be lower than 6% in the current fiscal year; PMEAC projection on the higher side: FICCI
Statement by Mr. R V Kanoria, President, FICCI on Finance Minister's Observations
FICCI Chief presents Economic Action Agenda to PM's Economic Advisory Council Chairman
Reaction from FICCI on Inflation data for June 2012
FICCI President Hails PM's Resolve to Revive Economy
GDP grows at 5.3% during Q4 FY12
India: Outlook and Current Policy Issues
FICCI Post budget Interactive Session with the Hon'ble Finance Minister, Shri Pranab Mukherjee
ExploreFICCI Reaction on Union Budget 2012-13
Bringing down fiscal deficit will require strong course corrections
FICCI's Reaction to IIP Data for January 2012
With growth momentum dwindling, sharp cut in monetary policy rates is now imperative says R V Kanoria, President, FICCI
GDP Growth rate likely to be lower than 6.9% in the current fiscal year

Lecture by Martin Wolf on 'Global Economic Turmoil: Implications for India'
ExploreFICCI Comments on Monetary Policy
Export Conditions Worsen, May Even Deteriorate in the Next Six Months: FICCI Export Survey
FICCI President Mr Harsh Mariwala's Statement at the Press Conference on 'The next steps in economic reforms'
Decline in inflation rate ideal foil for a rate cut
FICCI-KAF recommendations to improve industrial growth in Bihar
Real GDP grows at 6.9% during Q2 on back of data revision
FICCI Reaction on Food Inflation
Indian Companies Report 10-15 Per Cent Loss of Business Due to European Economic Crisis; Looking at Prospects Beyond Europe: FICCI Survey
Gloomy Global Economic Scenario Will Adversely Affect India's Export Performance
FICCI on US Rating Downgrade: The Rationale & Implications for India
Recent export performance difficult to sustain in coming months
GDP growth expected to moderate from 8.6% in 2010-11 to 8% in 2011-12
Budget a Balanced Effort to Maintain Growth but Specific Demand Boosters Missing: FICCI President Rajan Bharti Mittal

Union Budget 2011-12
ExploreIndia INC sees Industrial Growth Slowing down in Next Six Months, Says FICCI Business Confidence Survey
Inflation will Continue to be Threat in 2011; Government Must Remain Vigilant about Fiscal Situation: FICCI Economic Outlook Survey
FICCI Suggests 5-Point Plan to Tame Food Inflation and Ensure Better Prices for Farmers and Consumers
Abolish Surcharge, Education Cess; Moderate Corporate Tax; Retain Peak Customs Duty at 10% & Reduce CST Rate to 1%, FICCI President Urges FM
FICCI FDI Survey 2010: Results Show
Restore Exemption on Interest on ECBs & Exemption of Interest Income of Infrastructure Capital Funds: FICCI President to Revenue Secretary

Interactive Session with Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
ExploreRising Input Costs & Rupee Appreciation still Major Concerns for Exporters although 60% see Improvement in order Book Position: FICCI Survey
FICCI Upbeat about Stability & Continuity in Foreign Trade Policy
China should allow a one off appreciation of at least 8 to 10 per cent and then follow it up with a floating currency regime say Indian economists in a FICCI Survey
Business Confidence Dips in Q1, 2010-11: FICCI Survey
Expect headline inflation to settle between 6 to 8 percent by December 2010 against government estimate of 5 percent
FICCI Reaction on SEBI Guidelines
FICCI Comments on Inflation Figures
FICCI Reaction on IIP Data for May 2010
FICCI Reaction on Opening of FDI in Multi Brand Retail
Chambers of G20 countries oppose levy of international financial transaction tax or bank tax; Present six point agenda to G20 leaders to ensure broad economic recovery and robust long term growth
Exchange Rate Woes, Euro Zone Crisis, Rising Input Costs and Fears of Interest Cost Hike Puts Exporters under Stress: FICCI Survey on Exports
Reaction from FICCI on GDP Numbers for 2009-10